Black Owned Bookstores You Should Be Supporting Right Now

The current Black Lives Matter demonstrations have sparked a conversation and dialogue that is bringing more hearts and minds to the cause. In addition to protesting, donating, and sharing countless stories on social media, many non-Black people are also taking the opportunity to finally educate themselves. The past week marks a new age in American history, with millions of people demanding action in response to the long standing issue of police brutality against Black Americans. But, protests and blacked out squares on your social feed mean nothing if you don’t do the mind work to be, as Angela Davis once said, “actively anti-racist.”

With that in mind, we think it’s tremendously important to utilize the talents of Black authors (and some non-black authors who can speak directly to privilege) in order to really support this cause. If you’re a Black person looking to explore more of your history, if you’re an ally looking for books to educate yourself on anti-racism and Black experiences, and if you’re looking to start educating your children on the issues of race and inequality in a tangible way, we’ve compiled a list of books that you may want to start with.

In addition to reading this type of literature, we definitely think it’s important to ensure that shopping Black-owned bookstores is on your radar. While we love a good Amazon find, Jeff Bezos has taken enough of our money already. Let’s make something count and help our bookstore grios stay in business. Below, we’ve complied a list of Black-owned bookstores you can shop in-store (check the COVID-19 restrictions in your area) and online from around the country.

For a full list of Black-owned bookstores, the African American Literature Book Club has compiled a comprehensive list of stores around the world. Tap below to see the comprehensive list and shop by your state.